So I am obviously showing me ignorance here but. . .
Michelle has tagged me as a Rockin' Girl Blogger. It took me 2 full days to realize exactly what she was talking about. Michelle, thank you so much and I think you Rock! So. . . the rumor is that I have share 7 randoms things about myself and then tag 5 other people to do the same. Well, here goes.
Jamie - fellow FLYLady and Stamper.
Diane - "Met" Diane through
SCS. . . she's great!
JoAnn - She's my "Up-line, Up-line, Up-line" well she's way up there. So, in other words I wouldn't be doing any of this if it wasn't for JoAnn.
Roxy - She's got a great blog and met her through SCS too :)
Laura - With such a cute little one who wouldn't love Laura's blog?
7 Random Things about me
1: Originally from Alabama but moved back 2 years ago after spending 5 years in NC.
2: Have a wonderful 2 year old son (as if you haven't seen the pictures)
3: I was once a theatre major at the University of Montevallo
4: I'm 5' 2"
5: I'm an Auburn Fan "WAR EAGLE"
6: I'm a new FLYbaby
7: I'm the oldest child from a family of 3 girls
Thanks again for the nod Michelle! Hope I didn't let you down.